Friday, 1 November 2013

Range Plan

Range Plan
The theme of my range plan is 'Modern religion.' My target audience are young, fun men and women and who like to be original so I wanted to make a religiously inspired t shirt that would appeal to this audience. I have used traditional, recognisable images from religion and transformed them with colour and layering to create a modern, graffiti style effect. .

 I have used bright primary colours which stand out and contrast with each other to create a bold image. I picked the colours to tie in with the theme of Graffiti. I used my own primary drawings for the bottom three tshirts. For the top three I used backgrounds from the internet and my own drawings. I think that using my own artwork makes my range more original and quirky.

 I looked at a range of different cultures including Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. From Islam I was inspired by the geometric patterns of the Islamic decorative cannon. I used geometric patterns in my design and also used them as a base to create an image which incorporates symbols from the other three religions that I researched. The idea I wish to convey is the idea that in the future maybe there could be a new religion which incorporates all religions.. My research into Damian Hirst and conceptual art inspired me to use easily recognisable and understandable symbolism to convey my meaning to a wide audience.

I was also inspired El Mac and the street art movement to mix my own drawings of christian churches and religious artifacts with a graffiti style and colour to add an edge to my t shirts and appeal to a  wider and  younger audience. I used my own drawings and then adapted them using Photoshop to change the colours and the layout.I think that this mix of old and new tecniqus works well to produce my 'modern religion' effect.

Overall I think my range plan is successful and would appeal to my target audience because it is original, bright and fun. I think that the colours work well together and each piece fits into the theme of the range plan. The only issue I have is that I think the t shirts would appeal to more men than women. If the shape of the tshirt were to be changed to a tank top or crop top I think it would work very well for women.My favorite t shirts  the one using the islamic print in different sizes, I think it works well could have been developed further and maybe used it as an aspect in all of the t shirts.

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