I have been researching the Jewish faith and have attempted to
convey some of the ideas and information that I have discovered through this
mood board. The main themes that I want
to get across are the idea of sorrow juxtaposed with joy and the importance of
community in the Jewish faith. Judaism
places great importance on interactions within a community, for example many
prayers require the presence of ten adults, a minyan. The idea of true joy
always being mixed with sorrow is also an important teaching. In the wedding
feast, the breaking of the glass originally symbolises the destruction of the
temple in Jerusalem.
I have used imagery from the holocaust as the basis of this
piece. The background picture is a photograph of piles of spectacles taken from
the Jews in Auschwitz along with a photograph of the stolen suitcases. Across
the top is a photograph of the infamous slogan of Auschwitz; ‘Arbeit macht Frei.’
I have overlaid this with a painting of a prayer in Hebrew which is decorated
with flowers. I have layered the flowers
over the top to blur the Holocaust imagery somewhat, giving the impression of
the sorrow being in the past. The flowers bring to mind rebirth and the growth
of something new.
I want to convey the idea of joy and strong community in the
foreground. I feel that the photo and the painting of the men dancing together
are strong and joyful images. In Judaism, dancing is a tool for expressing joy,
purifying the soul and unifying the community. On the left is a Jewish wedding
contract (a Ketubah) with a picture of an orthodox Jewish couple incorporated
on to it. This is to highlight the importance of marriage in Judaism. The Ketubah
is also a traditionally highly decorated object and is a way to show
traditional Jewish artistic style.
To the bottom left is a painting of the western wall in Jerusalem
by the artist David Yohanan. The picture layered over the top is a photograph
of Jewish men praying at the wall. I have included this reference to convey the
importance of Jerusalem in the Jewish faith and also the centrality of prayers
and religious observance.
I have I incorporated other recognisable symbols of Judaism including
the Star of David, the hand of Fatima. The fashion photograph on the left is a
from a KTZ collection which used the Jewish faith as inspiration for their
The majority of colour in the piece is dictated by the colour
of the clothing which is black and white. The other colour comes from the
decorated wedding contract and prayer which are bright and natural colours such
as blues and greens and yellows. Gold is also used in moderation. In the Jewish
faith, the decoration of ritual objects is seen to be a way of glorifying God
and as such, religious objects are often beautifully and intricately decorated.
The painting of the western wall uses micrography to form
the bricks of the wall. Micrography is a traditional art form in Judaism as
many Jews believe that the second commandment forbids them from creating
images. The second commandment declares; ‘You shall not make for yourself a
sculptured image or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above or in
the earth below. Conveying these images using words is a way of getting around
this rule.
All the information that I have gathered is taken from the
internet. I have used four paintings from the Israeli artist David Yohanon who
specialises in the decorating of religious objects and calligraphy. I have used
one ink drawing by the artist Michael Levin who takes inspiration from the Hassidic
Jewish community. The painting of the dancing men is by the artist Zalman
Kleinman. The remaining images are photographs taken from the internet.
I am generally very happy with the outcome of the mood board
as I feel that it expresses the ideas that I wish to convey. If I were to change
anything it would be to use a wider variety of sources, media and artists. I
think that I have used too many images from the same artist and all of my sources
are secondary sources; more variety would be better. In my opinion, the most effective part of the
piece is the background which conveys meaning as well as creating an attractive
image in itself.